Although our home base is Lincoln, California, at Jaws and Paws we are very passionate about animal rights and environmental protection worldwide.

For many years, our founder worked for various marine based institutes such as the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Ocean Project of Maui. Because of our founder’s past experience with marine conservation, Jaws and Paws now helps raise awareness for the ocean and its keystone species’ such as sharks.

Through documenting and studying endangered marine life and collaborations with ocean related organizations, we’ve been able to shed light on the importance of protecting our seas. The main projects that we’ve assisted on over the years have been: sea turtle protection, anti-shark finning, and plastic pollution.

Problem | Solution | How We’re Helping

  • The Problem

    52% of all sea turtles have ingested plastic, hundreds of thousands of sea turtles are trapped in bycatch annually, encroachment of habitat has destroyed sea turtles’ nesting sites, turtles are killed for their shells, and sea turtles mistake plastic bags for jellyfish - often ingesting them and choking then dying.

    The Solution

    Help lobby for protecting sea turtles in legislation, strive to live a plastic free lifestyle, petition for safeguarding nest sites, don’t use wildlife products, raise awareness, eat no or less seafood and fight for sustainable fishing, vote for government officials who support marine life

    How We’re Helping

    A few times a year, Jaws and Paws ventures to Hawaii to collaborate with the Ocean Project, an organization that has been working to protect sea turtles for many years. We aid in observation/tagging/documentation of sea turtles and education/awareness for sea turtles in local areas.

  • The Problem

    70 million sharks are killed annually for their fins, sharks are top predators who regulate oxygen levels in the ocean, killing them hurts us!

    The Solution

    do not consume shark fin soup or support places that have it, eat less sea food and promote sustainable fishing, help lobby for sharks to get laws that will protect them, bring attention to why its important to protect the ocean’s most important predator, vote for government officials who support marine life.

    How We’re Helping

    Jaws and Paws campaigns for sharks in Oahu and Mexico annually, observing and vlogging whale sharks, Galapagos sharks, black tip reef sharks, oceanic white tip sharks, and more! By examining and photographing these animals in the wild, we’ve been able to capture their true beauty and show how miraculous they truly are. It is our goal to rebrand sharks in the eyes of humans, as they’ve been deemed vicious predators because of movies like ‘Jaws’ for so long. We believe that campaigning for sharks through photography and science can help protect them.

  • The Problem

    By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the sea, 1.4 billion tons of plastic are dumped into our ocean annually, every minute one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into our ocean.

    The Solution

    stop buying plastic products, lobby for laws that ban plastic bags or straws or other plastic products, vote for government officials who support anti-plastic initiatives, encourage people to live a plastic-free lifestyle, use re-usable products, etc.

    How We’re Helping

    Jaws and Paws runs a year long social media campaign to encourage the public to use less plastics. Through collaborations with influencers we’ve helped raise awareness via social media on how crucial it is to protect our oceans from plastic. Social media is an incredibly useful platform to utilize when bringing attention to a cause, and influencers are the perfect vehicle to encourage younger generations.

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